Monday, April 9, 2012

My Bucket List

My best friend and I had made a pact to share each other's Bucket Lists, or in other words, " Things to do before I die" list. We promised to complete one before college and even though it took me a long long time to jot down the points right from my head, here it is :D ( In no particualr order)

  • Make a change in the world and help people/animals by becoming a successful lawyer
  • Eat every flavour of ice cream ever invented
  • Get someone to write a song for me and actually mean it
  • Build a home for the tortured and wandering stray animals
  • Live in Paris
  • Re-buy my granparent's old house for them
  • Travel to Venice, Rome, Hawaii and Australia all in one year
  • Spend a night in a haunted mansion
  • Own enough money to improve the living conditions of my country people
  • Own a beach house
  • Change people's lives. A good change.
Yeah so I think I missed out on a lot but Ill add on as soon as I remember.


  1. thats y such lists are knows as wish list ha/.?

  2. Bucket list toh 80 ke time bannti hai.. 18 mein nahi =/

  3. Haha umm i dont think so? by the time im 80, i actually want to put a small tick infront of every point and say, DONE!

  4. You know , you could be amelie :)
    Just saying.
